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Client and Customer

Аркадий: Какая разница между client и customer?

Ответов - 1

Coordinator Zhanna: Добрый день, Аркадий!!! Спасибо Вам за интересный вопрос! Вопрос действительно актуален, т.к. сейчас многие наши соотечественники чато путают эти два понятия. По моему мнению, клиент (client) представляет собой некое лицо (наподобие "постоянного клиента" в русском), которое состоит в достаточно долгосрочных товарно-денежных отношениях с продавцом/поставщиком товара/услуги. Customer же, напротив, может обратиться за товаром/услугом только один раз. Но, естественно, существует и более точное определение этих понятий. Мне понравилось, как оно представлено на одном из англоязычных сайтов (далее - цитата): "First, word origins: Customer’s root word, custom, ultimately derives from the Latin verb consuescere, “to accustom,” and the sense of a person who buys something from another perhaps stems from the idea of purchasing as being a habit. Client (the plural can be clients or clientele) also comes from Latin, in the form of clientem, “follower,” which may be related to the root word of incline. This sense persists in the phrase “client state,” referring to a nation dependent on another for security or other support. The two terms have traditionally differed widely in usage: A customer is simply a recipient of products or services in exchange for money. Even though the relationship to the provider might be long lasting, the sense is of discrete exchanges. By contrast, a client is engaged in a more qualitative relationship in which the provider generally applies professional skills to offer often intangible commodities such as legal services, insurance policies, and the like. (Another distinction is that a customer is more likely to visit a retail establishment, whereas a client may more easily receive services without being physically present at the place of business. The escalation of mail-order business spurred by online retailing, however, has blurred this distinction.)" Надеюсь, смогла Вам немного помочь! Удачного дня!

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