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English Riddles

James Black: Owing to the mind bending stories that Elena Geiko blessed us with, I have decided to put up some riddles. These riddles will not only challenge your mind but also your English ability. You need to not only understand the riddle but also need to grasp the English concept of certain words. So give these 5 a shot and next week I will add some more. Put up your own variants as well, either in English or Russian or whatever language you prefer. Ready, set, go!!!))) What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? What word begins and ends with an "e" but has one letter? What has a neck but no head? What type of cheese is made backwards? Wow, that should give you all some trouble for awhile. Well happy trails and I will be waiting for your suggestions. Who amongst has the best capability of mind?!

Ответов - 7

Elena Geiko: Let me try... A clock or watch has a face with two hands, no arms or legs. A bottle has a neck without a head. An envelope starts and finishes with an 'e' and normally contains one letter The word 'short' becomes shorter with 'er' Edam is made backwards

James Black: It has been a long time since I wrote these riddles but everything is good. Now you can try some more difficult ones in the live English thread; I left some logical mind benders.

Elena Geiko: Where exactly is that live English thread?

James Black: In the tema called Live English... http://lscnn.forum24.ru/?1-6-0-00000051-000-0-0-1401771784 Just in case zou canät find it.

Elena Geiko: James Black пишет: zou canät Is this another set phrase that only native speakers use?

James Black: No, that was on account of me writing with my keyboard in German, I didnt switch enough and didnt notice. Proofreading is important.

James Black: And, by the way, have you found it yet? The other link I mean in the Live English tema.

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