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Healthy Food or Does a Porridge a Day Keep a Doctor away

Coordinator Zhanna: American researchers recommend more often include in your diet porridge. It has long been known that these courses are very useful because they contain a range of vitamins and other substances. However, modern people are increasingly neglected by their use. Meanwhile, the study of Americans showed that cereals can protect against cancer and prolong life. Employees of the National Cancer Institute in Rockville carried out their scientific research for over 20 years. Their study involved 400,000 people. Doctors found that the volunteers who regularly eat cereal (from a variety of cereals), much less ill with cancer. For more thought-provoking information referring the topic please see an article below: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1357096/For-longer-life-porridge-stove.html So how often do you eat porridge or do you neglect it???

Ответов - 5

James Black: No joke, I eat oat porridge every single day for breakfast. Usually my porridge contains jam so as to give it some more flavour and variety. Other times, my oat porridge has raisins or bananas or cinnamon, which is supposedly also healthy for you. Since eating porridge constantly, I have noticed that my weight has gone down, though this is just one of many factors, and I am more "regular"(if you know what I mean). Not only that, but porridge is really easy to make; a few minutes on the stove or in the microwave.

Elena Geiko: James Black , Welcome back! Scrabble is awesome, and we have yet to play your other game! P.S. Did you really mean 'beers'?

Coordinator Zhanna: So do I, James, and it helps me control my weight. Seriously. No gym/diets just porridges and regular meals.

Maria: I've been living on oat porridge for five years :(. And I hate it! Chocolate is definitely better :)

James Black: Maria, try adding something to your porridge. Plain old porridge is bland of course. Spice it up, though, with some raisins or bananas or cinnamon; as I mentioned. Better yet, go for some jam or peanut butter, maybe even nutella. If all else fails just add some chocolate suace.:)

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