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Let's chat again

James Black: As I was teaching English I came across a problem... with my Russian. My students wanted to know what a рой was which is a swarm of bees. Then I began to think, стада коров is a herd of cows. Косяк рыб is a school of fish. In ENglish you can find... pack of wolves flush of plumbers :) flock of birds swarm of bees parade of elephants murder of crows prickle of porupines What else is there in English OR in Russian, please tell me... гурт чего?

Ответов - 3

Liliana: Полчища муравьев, тучи комаров, лежбища тюленей, ватага ребят, клин журавлей и лебедей, питомник обезьян:).

Director: Табун лошадей, отара овец, гурт кобыл, колония моржей

James Black: pride of lions litter of puppies colony of ants bed of rocks bed of flowers (usually flowers of the same type in a square area)

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