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What helps you feel UP in winter&

Jane RR): Hey guys! What helps you feel 'up' in winter, when the day is so short and it gets dark so early:(( As for me, my favourite 'activity' is getting wrapped into several blankets and trying to keep warm:) What about you?

Ответов - 2

Liliana: Come on! Just look around ! It is so beautiful with the white blanket on the ground and lacy snowflakes flying in the air! Get your skies, go to the forest, breath in fresh air and only then go home and enjoy a cup of hot tea! And you will definitely feel joyful and happy!

Elena Geiko: As for me, I do love blankets in winter when I have to work with some books or my laptop at home. And short days are not so noticeable if you work afternoons and evenings

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