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High time to settle down!

Jane RR): Nowadays people tend to be always on the move. We change places of living, cities, countries, continents... As a result, we forget what our motherland is and instead of finding new friends lose even those that we had. This leads to loneliness and depression that we try to conceal by way of getting busier and busier... I think we must stop 'moving to and fro' and settle down somewhere in order to have less hectic lifestyles and more 'old friends.' What do you think?

Ответов - 14

Elena Geiko: In my opinion, it depends on the person and the circumstances. It's far more difficlult to be moving places with your whole family rather than on your own. On the other hand, a good way to avoid monotony is to have two different homes in different places with their own neighbourhoods and close friends or family around.

Nalivka: The topic is really worth discussing, as it concerns people's psychology, not just their way of life. Why do most people move? They seek new impressions. Why do they seek new impressions? They try to to fill in something which is empty. And inner emptiness is loneliness. So most people who are always on the move are lonely or unhappy. Today, as always, many people are just lonely.

Jane RR): There's definitely truth in what you said. So, what can fill this emptiness, since travelling just doesn't work?

Nalivka: It does work while you travel and then the best way to fill inner emptiness is self-actualization in one's profession and hard work. If it doesn't help, then it borders on mental sickness and one has to take pills.

nuxma: Why don't lonely people seek a soulmate?

Jane RR): Sometimes they just don't know how (probably). What do you think?

Nalivka: One might be seeking a soulmate all his life and find none.One should never rely on someone else in life. Do something yourself and you will be awarded for that. Others will at least be interested in what you are doing. Other than that you will find yourself sitting at home immersed in your own solitude or travelling all your life to escape loneliness.

nuxma: It's better to search and not to find than not to search, a soulmate is worth the effort. What does it mean "One should never rely on someone else in life"? It depends on having an appropriate person, doesn't it?

Nalivka: I would agree that searching means doing something.And doing something is better than doing nothing. As for relying on someone - you might, if you are disable, very old or hopelessly stupid.

nuxma: I hope you mean only financial support. In this case I can partly agree with you, if it doesn't concern close people. What about other kinds of support - people who don't trust to anyone are lonely and unhappy.

Nalivka: People who are truly proud and dignified will never ask for help. And it is not a matter of being happy or unhappy. To my mind there's just one situation though when asking for help is acceptable. And it concerns your child and his life or health.

Elena Geiko: Nalivka пишет: there's just one situation though when asking for help is acceptable. And it concerns your child and his life or health. I'm a person who hardly ever asks for help. However, I disagree that it's only about the child's life or health. What about your parents' or your own health/life?

Jane RR): IMHO, asking for help doesn't humiliate anyone. It is definitely unfair to manipulate people or force them to do something for you - but there's nothing wrong in asking. The thing we should bear in mind, however, is that people have the right to say 'No,' so we'd better be ready to accept a refusal. People who never ask others for anything may start suffering from the 'superman' syndrome. The syndrome involves feeling superior to others, doing everything on their own and expecting others to be as perfect as the 'superman' is, which is bound to complicate any interpersonal relationships. Asking for help is like delegating tasks in business: it lets other people feel you need them and prevents you personally from getting exhausted. Hey people, don’t hide from potential friends, ask for help!

princess: I am afraid in business one has to pay for each duty one delegates to his employees and not to ask for help or even a favor!

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